Saturday, February 19, 2011

New updates!!!

hello everybody, from now on i am going to upload a video every week on youtube. I will also upload it on my blog. thanks for reading, and hope you like it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Manectric G from Supreme Victors

So today my card that I am reviewing is Manectric G. Manectric G has 2 attacks. The first one you don't need any energy and it is called Energy Absorpion. The attack says "Search your discard pile up to 2 Energy cards and attach them to Manectric G." The second attack you need 2 energy, you will need 1 lightning energy and 1 colorless energy. Th attack is called Thunder Fang and the attack description says "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. The weakness of Manectric G is fighting and it times 2. The resistance is metal and it minus 20 damage. You will need at least 1 energy to retreat. This pokemon is a uncommon pokémon. The number of this card in this set is 66/147. This card was from 2009. This Pokémon is also a Team Galatic's Pokémon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chariziard From Platium Supreme Victors

Today I am starting a Pokemon card Review. This is The Charizard from Platium Supreme Victors. The Charizard has 2 attack and 1 poké-body. The first attack is Fire Wing. You need 1 fire energy to use it and it does 30 damage. The second attack is called Burning Tail. You need 2 fire energy and 1 colorless energy. The attack does 80 damage and the description. The Poké-body is called Fire Formation. The description says Each of charizard's attack does 10 more damage for each fire pokémon on your bench to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). The weakness of Charizard is water type and it plus 30. The risistance is fighting and it is minus 20. For the retreating you will need 3 energy. The number of the pokemon in the set is the first card of the deck. The level of the Charizard is level 60. This pokémon is the number 6 Flame pokémon. The height is 5.07 inches and the wight is 199.5 pounds. This card is from 2009.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My new youtube picture

This is my new youtube picture.


From now on I am going to start pokemon cards reviewing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My friend's game

This is another game cool game from my friend.

Make games